Single Event Plans!
Do you want to be competitive
and 100% in peak form for a specific ride, century or race? No matter if
it's a MS150, Hotter'n Hell Hundred,
Leadville 100, or a specific road or MTB race - we can help
you! At ROTHE Training
we specialize in month-to-month coaching and also offer single event
- FREE initial consultation
- Custom Training Plan Design
- Heart Rate or Power-based Training
- Online Training Log with HR/Power File Upload function
- FREE TrainingPeaks Premium Account
- Pre- and Post- Race/Ride Discussions
- $10 Road ID Gift Card
- Bi-Monthly training plan adjustment/review
- Bi-Monthly Coach access by phone or e-mail
Short Single Event (4-week schedule) > $125
Medium Single Event (8-week schedule) > $250
Long Single Event (12-week schedule) > $375
4-month Event (16-week schedule) > $450